Download Rentify Today

and start pre-qualifying all of your real estate deals!

education is our goal, empowerment is our tool...

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the Realasst story

Realasst Inc. is a software development company that created Rentify for real-estate agents by real-estate agents. Rentify is a real estate deal qualifying app that teaches you with step-by-step instructions on the deal points of a real-estate property along with providing you with inciteful commentary that shares the logic behind these questions. Our objective is to enpower each agent by giving them the ability to send qualified deals directly to their clients or anyone looking to acquire real-estate as an investment. 


Here's how it works

Rentify has built-in default expense percentages to calculate true results. It even allows full personalization to adjust each value to meet any requirements. During the process, the Rentify app will create a detailed income expense report including an alert if the property is cash flow positive (green) or negative (red). With Rentify, the user can know the right price to offer the investment property. It also generates detailed analytical graphics to focus the user's attention on the specific areas of the financial investment. At the end of this process, Rentify will produce a detailed Client Summary Report with options to add in logos and photos of the property. This allows for complete personalization and branding with user’s company if desired. With Rentify, you now have the right tool to feel confident with the process of evaluating a rental property for yourself or your clients. We even created an amazing method of conveying information to help assist and educate everyone about the process of qualifying an income producing investment. 

Rentify Calculates for over 40 deal points

Rentify provides:

  • 11 Page Professional Brochure
  • Income/Expense
  • Cash Requirement
  • Internal Rate of Return
  • CAP Rate
  • Tax Benefit Schedule
  • Impound Account
  • 8 Analytical Graphs

Rentify will calculate the deal points on rental houses,  a potential flipper, an apartment building and commercial properties along with all the construction costs of adding an ADU or a Reno Project.

Young Broker Standing at Office While Holding Digital Tablet in His Hands.